Perkins Engine Loyalty Programme

Perkins Engine Loyalty Programme

About the programme

Perkins understands the unique challenges rental companies face.  We have a dedicated global rental team with more than 75 years cumulative experience in the rental industry that is committed to your success and we want to provide the optimum return on your investment. We designed the Perkins Engine Loyalty Programme to be easy, efficient and rewarding, for you our valued rental customers.

Earn loyalty points for every Perkins engine

Perkins Engine Loyatly Programme members are eligible to receive 40 points for each engine registered.

Earn even more with bonus opportunities

Bonus points can be earned simply by creating an account or registering a block of 25, 50 or 100 engines. The more engines registered together, the better the bonus.

Enrol today

Click here to register and begin redeeming loyalty points.

Enroll today
Engine Loyalty Points Engine Loyalty Points

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it cost anything to join the programme?

How do I join the programme?

What are the program benefits?

Can I earn programme benefits or points without making a purchase?

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Engine Loyalty Programme

Click the link below to download our Engine Loyalty brochure.

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Perkins Rental

Click the link below to download our Rental brochure.

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