Contact us

Contact us

Please use the links below to contact us or one of our worldwide network of distributors.

Engine advice, parts, sales and service

For expert advice and information on sales, parts, and service support, please use our Distributor Locator to contact your local centre from our worldwide network of distributors.

Other enquiries

If you prefer, you can contact us by telephone:

Perkins headquarters:

Telephone +44 (0) 1733 583000

or write to us at:

Perkins Engines Company Limited
Frank Perkins Way
United Kingdom

Perkins USA & Canada office:

Toll free number: 1-888-PERK-ENG
Fax 1.309.578.7329

or write to us at:

Perkins Engines Inc.
1600 W Kingsbury St
Seguin, Texas 78155, USA

Perkins regional and sales centres

Perkins has eight major regional centres around the world providing sales, in-service support and marketing for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), distributors and end users in North and South America, India, China, Japan, Europe and Singapore. We bring local knowledge and local commitment wherever you are.

Learn more