Download Agritechnica 2019 Powernews | Agritechnica 2019

Agritechnica 2019

10 - 16 November 2019

Hanover, Germany

Download Powernews Agritechnica 2019 special edition

Download our Agritechnica special edition of the Perkins Powernews magazine. In this issue we look at the latest developments and engineering innovations from Perkins, feature our new agricultural tractor engine offering and share the latest on our hybrid engine technologies which are designed to support your commercial success.

The edition also takes a closer look at how overhaul solutions are extending the life of the agricultural engine; our experts provide servicing tips and tricks and we highlight the expansion of the Perkins online shops, which make it fast and easy to buy genuine parts.

Stay up to date with all the latest news from Perkins by downloading this edition now.

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